Welcome to CS-BK.com real estate agent. Kindly be intoduced as we are real esate agent focus in Bangkok CBD area such as Sukhumvit, Sathorn, Ploenchit,Lungsuan, Rajadamri.

If you are the owner of any apartments, condo or houses , and if you wish to sell it or rent it, please send information to our real estate agency servise by provide information as below;
- Project name
- size in sq.m or sq.wa for house
- number of bedrooms
- number of bathrooms
- number of maid rooms
- number of parking
- unit number
- What floor?
- Photos would be appreciated for faster marking.
- Asking Price? (included commission fee)
- Your contact number and email address.
Email: condosalebangkok@hotmail.com
Mobile: 090-8987981
Real Easte agent Service fees
1. For Sale - commission 3% (or agreed rate) of final selling price will be paid by seller.
2. For rent – commission equal to 1 month rental (for rent agreement minimum one year) will be paid by lessor.
Wish you happiness and prosperity!